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Enerieth Orbes Navarro
Mario Muriel Gutiérrez
José Palacio Angulo


In Colombia, the municipality of Baranoa bases its economy on the agroindustrial sector, but the majority of workers in this sector are informal and the impact of the various occupational risks to which they are exposed, especially the physical risk of non-ionizing radiation, is unknown. that can be generated by activities, especially by prolonged exposure to the sun, for which the main objective of this research is to determine the impact of the physical risk of non-ionizing radiation to which informal workers in the agroindustrial sector in the municipality of Baranoa, Atlántico, in the year 2023, through a quantitative, descriptive approach methodology. cross-sectional design, field study with primary source, where the “Solar UV Radiation Risk Assessment for Outdoor Workers: Operational Review” Questionnaire instrument was applied to a representative sample of 60 informal workers from the agroindustrial sector
of Baranoa, Atlántico. the School of Occupational and Public Health, and the main conclusion is that informal workers in the agroindustrial sector of the municipality of Baranoa have a high risk of non-ionizing radiation when they carry out work related to livestock care, and have a medium risk of radiation. non-ionizing when they carry out the work of collecting cassava and growing vegetables and tubers.


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Cómo citar
Orbes Navarro, E., Muriel Gutiérrez, M., & Palacio Angulo, J. (2024). OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE TO NON-IONIZING RADIATION IN INFORMAL WORKERS IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR IN BARANOA (ATLÁNTICO, NORTHERN COLOMBIA). Revista Tajamar, 3(1), 124–130. Recuperado a partir de https://publicaciones.litoral.edu.co/index.php/revista_tajamar/article/view/49


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